Invoicing & Payment
We offer a choice of invoicing and payment options during the checkout process
- Credit / debit card (Minimum £10 (Inc VAT) for credit card orders)
- Request a new business account and use it for this order
- Use of an existing trade account (online or offline account)
*All orders placed with CPC will be subject to our Terms of Purchase.
NOTE: If you are an existing phone, fax or email customer, your existing account(s) will be linked to your online username / profile once your first order has been placed on the web.

Requesting or selecting an account
If you do not have an account number or name showing here, just select "Request New Account." You can also request a new online account, even if you already have an offline account.
See more info on opening an account
Selecting your payment method
You may select thae credit/debit card purchases option during checkout or select one of the available invoicing methods available to you. Please see the terms and conditions for opening a trade account for the first time.

Card Security Number (CV2)
For Card purchases, you can find the location of the CV2 Security Code based on the type of card listed below.
Location of Security Code
MasterCard, Visa Card:
The security code is on the back of the card. Please enter the last 3 digits from the end of the signature box.
American Express Card:
The security code is on the front of the card. Please enter the smaller 4 digits that appear above the credit card number on either the right or left side.