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Our search filters can help you narrow down and find the products you're looking for.
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For parametric filters, the available filters will automatically update with each selection, however you still need to click “Apply” to see the updated product list that matches your filter selection.

You can disable the automatic update by unchecking the “Auto Apply filters” check box above the parametric boxes.
For more information visit the Searching for Products page.
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- An exact alternative is functionally identical (same form, fit and function).
- An upgrade alternative is a product that has been improved by the same manufacturer.
- A suggested alternative is a product that is functionally similar with similar form and fit.
The search results will then return all products relevant to the words you have typed in. Other product attributes can then be selected to narrow your results further.
You can also select products for comparison from different search results screens by following these steps:
- Select your first order code or series of order codes on the first results page
- Click “Compare”
- On the compare screen, click the browser back button to go back to the previous results page
- Go to your second page of results
- Select the order code or series of order codes
- Click “Compare”
- These order codes will be added to the “Compare” screen for easy side-by-side comparison.